Staying Close to God in Troubled Times

by Victor Kubik 

We live in a time when mental and emotional problems are more prevalent than ever. Depression along with suicide rates have increased significantly. Many people feel hopeless, angry, and lonely. These feelings are particularly intense among young adults who must make lifelong commitments while navigating through these emotional states. Decisions about marriage and career amidst economic uncertainty weigh heavily on their minds.

Is there anything one can confidently cling to for help in such circumstances?  There is!

Psalm 46:1 offers hope and a way forward with three crucial elements. The verse succinctly states: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” This single verse reveals three profound truths about God’s nature and His relationship with His people. 

Refuge: The term “refuge” suggests a place of safety and protection. In times of danger or distress, a refuge is where one seeks shelter. This metaphor illustrates that God provides a secure haven for His people, offering them safety and peace amidst life’s storms. Just as one would run to a physical shelter in times of physical danger, believers can turn to God for spiritual and emotional protection. 

Strength: The word “strength” signifies that God provides the power and fortitude necessary to face life’s challenges. He not only offers protection but also empowers His people to endure and overcome difficulties. This strength is not of human origin but is divine, enabling believers to remain steadfast and resilient regardless of circumstances. 

Very Present Help: The phrase “very present help in trouble” emphasizes God’s immediacy and accessibility. It assures believers that God is not distant or detached but is actively present and ready to assist in times of need. His help is timely and sufficient, providing comfort and support exactly when it is needed most. 

Together, these descriptions in Psalm 46:1 encapsulate the comprehensive care and support that God offers to those who trust in Him in troubled times. He is a safe haven, a source of empowerment, and an ever-present aid in such times. This one verse assures believers that they are never alone and always under God’s watchful care. 

I personally had gone through such a time in my young adult life. The future was so uncertain when problems seemed insurmountable, but because of God’s Helping Hand I survived and succeeded when at first I felt hopeless with nowhere to turn. 

I will happily pray with you to help you stay close to God in these troubled times.  

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