From Micah Gunn: Dr. Frank Turek Interview: Apologetics For Apologetics

Micah Gunn has given me permission to repost his his podcast Truth Be Told podcast ( with noted radio host Dr. Frank Turek posted originally on August 12, 2022 at

In this episode of Truth Be Told, Dr. Frank Turek and Micah Gunn offer up a defense for the discipline of Apologetics. The defense of the Christian faith is not only something that is under attack from skeptics, but also Christians who incorrectly believe that an evidential approach to the truth claims of the Bible somehow hinders or infringes on an individual’s faith. Some might believe that an answer to God’s calling should be wholly apart from evidence or logic, and others might think that utilizing logical argumentation or extrabiblical sources are misguided attempts to seek God with manmade tools. Another concern for apologists (both professional and lay people) is the ever-expanding movement of liberal theology which claims that correct thinking about God is limiting to Him and shouldn’t be engaged in. So, why should a Christian study apologetics, particularly in light of all of this refutation towards the discipline itself? Join us in this episode for the answers!

Truth Be Told is a theology and apologetics podcast born out of a love of God’s word, a hope to find common ground with those who study it, and a desire to outline truth. 

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